It's worth buying the game just to ride around on your horse to find the next colossus. The landscape on this game is so detailed. They even moan like an actual dying person giving you a sense of guilt. The 13th colossus didn't attack you in any way yet you kill it and because it's the most peaceful it means you get to watch it die for 24 seconds and all the others as well. Then as you deliver the blows you get sprayed with black blood that stains your clothes and then you have to watch the colossi die. The problem is you actually have to kill these beasts as there is no game otherwise which means you are forced to kill them even if they don't attack you. You see it as one step closer to saving Mono but the colossi and anyone else sees it as murder. Dormin,the God that sends you on this quest,says that the price you pay will be heavy but you don't care yet every time you kill a colossus you are destroying your humanity and committing a crime. The real problem for you is the fact that in video games you just kill what's in front of you but you don't think about the consequences. Some of them fly while others swim and some burrow through the ground and it is all done in such a spectacular fashion. Some of them hunt you down viciously and do actually want you dead and then there are some who just want to be left alone or don't mind you until you start stabbing them in their weak-point. All of them are based on different animals and objects and they all have different personality's. They look like art but they can pack a punch and wallop you down if your not careful. The Colossi themselves are amazingly brilliant. She seemed to hate the colossi slaying idea from the start and it is apparent but she goes on all for you and she even sacrifices herself for you. Agro does everything a normal horse does.
His horse,Agro,is amazingly detailed and puts Epona from TLOZ series in the bin. He seems very determined even when faced with the biggest of colossi. The only reason he even has that sword is because he needs it to kill the creatures otherwise he wouldn't have it there but it doesn't matter as every hero has a flaw with skills and the sword is Wander's flaw. He is no swordsman due to his clumsiness at swinging it around and the fact that he stumbles most of the time when using it. He can shoot it anywhere including on his horse which can take years to normally master and he can even stand up on his horse and fire it. From the start of the game you can see that the hero called Wander is skilled with a bow in every way. His bow and arrow and the ancient sword that is the only thing capable of killing the colossal creatures. Your hero does that without question obviously for love. Your goal is to revive a dead girl called Mono by slaying sixteen colossi. First off is the hero of the story or should I say anti-hero. It combines the video game genre with art splendidly to create a vast and desolate landscape where only you,your horse and the colossi roam. Shadow Of The Colossus is by far the most amazing game anybody can experience. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is without a doubt one of the greatest games ever made. It is the most beautiful game I have ever played. It takes you from the euphoria of victory, to thoughtful melancholy and even to the brink of tears. But i will say this: It is one of the greatest end sequences I have ever seen in book, film or game.

I do not wish to spoil anything so I shall go into no detail on what happens.

The slaying of each colossi is an epic battle, ones which you will remember. The immense landscape and ruins leave the gamer to envision what could have happened to turn the land into this blasted dustbowl scattered with the ruins of a long dead civilisation.

The minimalist style gives the game a stunning atmosphere, quickly attaching you to your only companion Argo. The first colossus is a real shock to the system and they keep getting better. the graphics were years ahead of the competition. The immense landscape and ruins leave the gamer to envision what could have happened to turn the I was absaloutely shocked when i first played this game. I was absaloutely shocked when i first played this game.